Screw you, week from hell! (It’s only Tuesday…)

Rant and Rave Renee Time! Get some popcorn and some Jack and tune in:

WARNING! Non-family-friendly words used!

Yesterday had to be one of the worst Mondays in awhile. I woke up from a great weekend with family with the notion that I am going to CONQUER this week. I had all the naive hopefulness of a virgin child, positive and encouraging thoughts flowing out of me like sparkly unicorn pee.

But then, the unicorn died.

I started the day per usual, opening the door to annoying-meowing-asshole cats who chase me into the bathroom to pee and nip at my feet until I feed them. (NOTE: I also feed them at night to avoid this, and they ALWAYS have food on their plates in the morning – but won’t stop until I pour more.) Cody says it’s ’cause they miss me during the night and can’t wait to see my beautiful shining face, but I think it’s cause they are demons. Why can’t you purr then, kitty cats? Or rub against me? Nope, let’s incessantly meow and bite momma.


Anyway, Then got to the bathroom to realize I started my period (sorry if that’s too much information, but get over it, 50% of the population get them at some point in their life and the other 50% MEN-strate.. muahah)


… Tried to work on some orders – I needed to catch up on some late ones due to my mom being in the hospital again. I won’t even delve into that horrid scenario of cat-haired coasters and paint-spilled messes and bits flying off the CNC and rocketing at my head.


Once Cody got home from work, we decided to take a ‘break’ and go outside to work on my car. Cody drove it to the store TWO WEEKS AGO and came back stating I am not allowed to drive it until he looks at it – I guess he lost steering and brake control and nearly ran off the road…

Fast forward 20 minutes to my car jacked up in the middle of the driveway and me all jacked up on emotions.. Cody just stands up and laughs. My steering control box was completely gone, rusted away from any steering-related bars, metal.. whatever the hell keeps it on the car. I lost it from there, kinda went into my own head and faded out whatever bullshit was wrong with my brakes. He said no one would touch it, and the amount of money that it would take to fix it FAR exceeds the amount the car is worth.

Okay, okay – it is a piece of shit rust bucket – but it was MINE! My FIRST CAR I got when I was 15, and it has taken me everywhere. Skipped school with that car, went on cross-country road trips in that car, moved away from home in that car, moved to Texas in that car, came BACK in that car, drove to and got fired from my first big girl job in that car.ย  Sentimental over a hunk of metal, not very minimalist of me, but I’ve had some great memories with my Mali-boo.

I went to bed after that.

Today isn’t any better. Insurance dropped me, kidney is killing me, and to top it all off I’ve already wrote this blog post once and accidentally x’d out of it. Usually, that’s ok- it saves as a draft! But no.. not this time Renee.


Life will not change with the attitude I have now, I know. I know. Life is better when you’re laughing! Which, right now, is all I can do without losing my mind! ๐Ÿ™‚

Positive thoughts, positive actions, positive thoughts, positive actions..


There are 9 comments

  1. BERYL

    I’ve been having a shitty week too, culminating in a horrible fight this morning…and I’m still trying to get over the thing ๐Ÿ™‚ I can well understand how you must be feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. BERYL

        Ewww! Neither did I…wonder how horrible it must have tasted though and what its after-effect might have been. I have some experience regarding rotten vegetables and I suffered on and off for more than a month ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Renee

    Aww that sucks, sorry you had to go through that! I just vomited, but I’m pretty sure it was because I was grossed out, not because of the mold. But who knows haha. Oh my. Life is good. Life is good… life is.. good. ๐Ÿ™‚


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