My Business Start-up: 1st Entrepreneurial Endeavor

Cody and I both grew up around wood (and came from wood.. haha.. okay sorry dismiss my dirty joke..) Our fathers, uncles, and cousins that lived near us were all involved in some sort of construction or woodworking trade. Naturally, we developed woodworking as a hobby as we grew older. We didn’t want, however, to end up financially like our families. They did okay, and always provided us with what we needed. But there was no freedom from the burden of debt and bills. To try to avoid this same financial fate, we left for college and pursued degrees. I graduated with a BSN and worked for a few years, and both of us are now studying business as well.

Yet- we are still poor. We are in debt. Our lifestyle put us right onto the same path as the one we wanted to avoid. But we have not lost our hope, drive or determination to succeed. We are now starting a woodworking business that will hopefully transform our hobby into a career. Our business plan, education, and marketing skills will hopefully create a successful outcome! We hope to create wood products that everyone would want, not just wood lovers. Now’s the time to turn our dreams into realities. You only get one shot at live, so make it worth it, right? I want to write, so I’m writing. I want to be an entrepreneur, so that’s the direction I’m headed. Hopefully soon our passions can churn an income! We don’t expect to be millionaires, or to even be able live solely off of this income for a long time. (Hopefully enough to afford a wedding..) It’s our first idea and brainchild, and we can only learn and grow from here.

I would love to delve into details, but I want to keep it a surprise until we are open for business! We have had some set backs, like any new business – and are still in the learning stages! So far, we have made it official with the state, set up the accounting and payroll for tax reasons, built a starting website and store, ordered business cards and shipping supplies, and opened a business bank account/credit!

Start-ups are expensive and time consuming… so keep checking back for updates and for our reveal!

If you are an entrepreneur yourself, please feel free to add your story or tips! Thanks!

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